Yimin Wang

Principal Investigator

Email: wangyimin@@gdiist.cn

Personal Profile

Yimin Wang is the Principal Investigator of the Lab of Computing and Visualization for Connectomics Data. He received B.S. degree from Fudan University in 2003 and Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University in 2009, respectively. His research interests include visual computing and analysis of big data for brain science images, bioimage informatics, mixed reality, computer graphics, and artificial intelligence. He worked at IBM Research - China and School of Computer Engineering and Science of Shanghai University, and has been the Principal Investigator at Guangdong Institute of Intelligent Science and Technology since 2022. His research work is supported by several grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China and Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai. Recent results of the lab have been published in Nature, Nature Methods, Nature Communications, etc.


Laboratory of Computing and Visualization for Connectomics Data

Our lab is interested in a series of problems regarding the computational, visualization, and analysis of multi-scale multimodal data generated in the field of brain science. By developing new visualization, human-computer interaction, and artificial intelligence methods, we study brain science big data management, interactive neuronal structure annotation for whole brain images, automatic reconstruction of neuronal 3D morphology, representation and knowledge discovery of multimodal neural network data, and neural network structure prediction and generation. The goal is to provide effective technical support and key scientific discoveries for identifying neuronal types, resolving characteristics of neural circuits, establishing functional-structural correlations, and constructing and exploring connectome.

Representative publications

1. Shengdian Jiang#, Yimin Wang#, Lijuan Liu#, Liya Ding, Zongcai Ruan, Hong-Wei Dong, Giorgio A. Ascoli, Michael Hawrylycz, Hongkui Zeng, Hanchuan Peng , Petabyte-Scale Multi-Morphometry of Single Neurons for Whole Brains, Neuroinformatics, 2022, 1-12. (#, co-first authors)

2. Lei Qu, Yuanyuan Li, Peng Xie, Lijuan Liu, Yimin Wang, …, and Hanchuan Peng. Cross-modal coherent registration of whole mouse brains. Nature Methods, 19(1):111–118, January 2022.

3. Hanchuan Peng, Peng Xie, Lijuan Liu, Xiuli Kuang, Yimin Wang, ..., and Hongkui Zeng. Morphological diversity of single neurons in molecularly defined cell types. Nature, 598(7879):174–181, October 2021.

4. Rodrigo Mun ̃oz-Castan ̃eda, ..., Yimin Wang, ..., and Hong-Wei Dong. Cellular anatomy of the mouse primary motor cortex. Nature, 598(7879):159–166, October 2021.

5. BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN). A multimodal cell census and atlas of the mammalian primary motor cortex. Nature, 598(7879):86–102, October 2021.

6. Jack A. Supple, …, Yimin Wang, …, and Paloma T. Gonzalez-Bellido. Binocular Encoding in the Damselfly Pre-motor Target Tracking System. Current Biology, 30(4):645–656.e4, February 2020 (selected as the cover article).

7. Yimin Wang*, Qi Li, Lijuan Liu, Zhi Zhou, Zongcai Ruan, Lingsheng Kong, Yaoyao Li, Yun Wang, Ning Zhong, Renjie Chai, Xiangfeng Luo, Yike Guo, Michael Hawrylycz, Qingming Luo, Zhongze Gu, Wei Xie, Hongkui Zeng, and Hanchuan Peng*. TeraVR empowers precise reconstruction of complete 3-D neuronal morphology in the whole brain. Nature Communications, 10(1):3474, August 2019 (also highlighted in Nature Methods, 16, 957). (*, co-corresponding authors)

WANG Yimin’s Research Group