Zhihai Qiu

Principal Investigator

Email: qiuzhihai@@gdiist.cn

Personal Profile

He obtained his PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2019. Afterwards, he gained postdoctoral training at Stanford University in Kim Butts Pauly’s lab. He has won multiple awards from several conferences (including conferences in neuroscience, biophysics, biomedical engineering, optical engineering, etc.). His studies have been published in prestigious journals such as Cell Reports, iScience, Advanced Science, Advanced Photonics Research, IEEE Transactions on UFFC, and STAR Protocols. He applied 2 Chinese invention patents and 4 US patents and has been invited to contribute a ultrasound neuromodulation chapter in Transcranial Brain Modulation, an Oxford handbook. He severs as an advisory board member for STAR Protocols journal.

Laboratory of Multi-scale Neural Network Imaging and Manipulation

The research group is dedicated to develop multiscale neural network imaging and manipulation tool for basic and translational research in neuroscience field. We are mainly focusing on developing ultrasound (but not limited to) based technologies and exploring its applications in probing brain function and treating brain diseases.

Ultrasound is a safe modality and has shown increasing promise in functional brain imaging and neuromodulation. Plane wave ultrasound imaging can rapidly record blood perfusion throughout the brain, similar to blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-fMRI). Ultrasound imaging systems are relatively simple and compact, and can achieve whole-brain functional imaging of freely moving organisms at a lower cost than fMRI. On the other hand, studies have shown that low-energy, low-frequency focused ultrasound, as a mechanical wave, can open mechanosensitive channel proteins, and has great application potential in neuromodulation, neuro-immune stimulation, etc. We have also developed a sonogenetic technique based on MscL-G22s, a mechanosensitive channel protein found in bacteria, which has been independently validated by other groups. Building on these studies, we are working on developing whole-acoustic, multi-scale neural network imaging and manipulation techniques (including sonogenetics-based whole-brain neural network dissection, whole-brain-spinal cord imaging and stimulation techniques) and exploring their role in preclinical and clinical applications.

In addition, in order to expand the penetration depth of light and sound in the skull and brain tissue, so as to achieve non-invasive optical imaging and optogenetic manipulation, as well as more precise ultrasound focusing, we are developing light and sound wavefront shaping technology, hoping to promote the application of light and sound related technologies in basic research and clinical translation. 

Representative publications

1. Zhihai Qiu, Mihyun Choi, Ningrui Li, Kim Butts Pauly, Direct neural activation by ultrasound. (In preparation)

2. Tianyi Liu, Mihyun Choi, Jiejun Zhu, ..and Zhihai Qiu*. "Sonogenetics: Recent advances and future directions." Brain Stimulation, 2022, 15(5):1308-1317

3. Zhihai Qiu, Shashwati Kala, Jinghui Guo, Quanxiang xian, Jiejun Zhu, Ting Zhu, Xuandi Hou, King Fung Wong, Minyi Yang, Haoru Wang, Lei Sun*. Targeted neurostimulation in mouse brains with non-invasive ultrasound. Cell Reports, 2020; 32(7), 108033

4. Zhihai Qiu, Jinghui Guo, Shashwati Kala, Jiejun Zhu, Quanxiang Xian, Weibao Qiu, Guofeng Li, Ting Zhu, Long Meng, Rui Zhang, Hsiao Chang Chan, Hairong Zheng*, Lei Sun*. The mechanosensitive ion channel Piezo1 significantly mediates in vitro ultrasonic stimulation of neurons. iScience. 2019; 21: 448-457

5. Quanxiang Xian, Zhihai Qiu, Shashwati Kala, Derek King Fung Wong, Yong Wu, Xuandi Hou, Jinghui Guo, Lei Sun*. Circuit-specific sonogenetics modulates specific behaviours in mice. (Under review)

6. Xuandi Hou, Zhihai Qiu, Jinghui Guo, Ting Zhu, Lei Sun*, Precise Ultrasound Neuromodulation in a Deep Brain Region Using Nano Gas Vesicles as Actuators. Advanced Science, 2021: 2101934

7. Tianting Zhong, Zhihai Qiu, Jinhui Guo, Huanhao Li, Zhipeng Yu, Shengfu Cheng, Yingying Zhou, Jiejun Zhu, Jie Tian*, Lei Sun*, and Puxiang Lai*, Spatiotemporally engineered neuron stimulation (STENS) through mouse skull with a wavefront shaping-empowered multimode fiber. Advanced Photonic research, accepted

8. Quanxiang Xian, Zhihai Qiu, Shashwati Kala, Jiejun Zhu, Jinghui Guo and Lei Sun*, Protocol for the sonogenetic stimulation of mouse brain by non-invasive ultrasound. STAR Protocols, 2021, 2 (2), 100393

9. Quanxiang Xian, Zhihai Qiu, Shashwati Kala, Jinghui Guo, and Lei Sun*, Behavioral and functional assessment of ultrasound neuromodulation on Caenorhabditis elegans. IEEE Transactions on UFFC, 2021, 68(6), 2150 – 2154

10. Jinghui Guo, Yong Wu, Zhiyong Gong, Xixi Chen, Fei Cao, shashwati Kala, Zhihai Qiu et al, Photonic nanojet-mediated optogenetics, Advanced Science, accepted.

11. Zhaoxi Li, Dafeng Wang, Chunlong Fei*, Zhihai Qiu et al, The Forbidden Band and Size Selectivity of Acoustic Radiation Force Trapping, iScience, 2020, 2021, 24(1): 101988.

QIU Zhihai ’s Research Group