穆迪,研究員(yuán),感覺與情緒的神經網絡研究組組長。2012年本科畢業于中(zhōng)國科學技術大(dà)學,2018年博士畢業于中(zhōng)國科學院神經科學研究所。2018年2月至2022年2月擔任上海交通大(dà)學醫學院附屬第一(yī)人民醫院課題組長,博士研究生(shēng)導師。2022年6月起擔任江門市新會區威信高技術科學研究所研究員(yuán)、研究組長,澳門科技大(dà)學藥學院博士研究生(shēng)導師(兼職)。曾獲得國家自然科學基金青年、面上項目、中(zhōng)國科協青年人才托舉工(gōng)程、廣東省自然科學基金傑出青年項目等資(zī)助。研究成果發表于Science, JID, eLife等雜(zá)志(zhì)。
1. Mu D#, Deng J#, Liu K-F, Wu Z-Y, Shi Y-F, Guo W-M, Mao Q-Q, Liu X-J, Li H, Sun Y-G* (2017). A central neural circuit for itch sensation, Science, 357(6352):695-699. (# Co-first authors).
2. Zhu Y-B#, Wang Y#, Hua X-X#, Xu L, Liu M-Z, Zhang R, Liu P-F, Li J-B, Zhang L*, Mu D* (2022). PBN-PVT projections modulate negative affective states in mice. eLife, 11:e68372. (* Corresponding authors) (highlighted by eLife).
3. Mu D, Sun Y-G (2022). Circuit mechanisms of itch in the brain. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 142(1):23-30.
4. Wang Y#, Xu L#, Liu M-Z#, Hu D-D, Fang F, Xu D-J, Zhang R, Hua X-X, Li J-B, Zhang L, Huang L-N*, Mu D* (2021). Norepinephrine modulates wakefulness via α1 adrenoceptors in paraventricular thalamic nucleus, iScience, 24(9):103015. (* Corresponding authors).
5. Liu P-F#, Wang Y#, Xu L#, Xiang A-F#, Liu M-Z, Zhu Y-B, Jia X, Zhang R, Li J-B, Zhang L*, Mu D* (2022). Modulation of itch and pain signals processing in ventrobasal thalamus by thalamic reticular nucleus, iScience, 25(1): 103625. (* Corresponding authors).
6. Xu L#, Liu M-Z#, Yang Y-Y#, Wang Y, Hua X-X, Du L-X, Zhu J-Y, Shen Y, Wang Y-Q, Zhang L, Mi W-L*, Mu D* (2022). Geraniol enhances inhibitory inputs to the paraventricular thalamic nucleus and induces sedation in mice. Phytomedicine, 98:153965. (* Corresponding authors).
7. Chen Z#, Lin M-T#, Zhan C, Zhong N-S, Mu D*, Lai K-F*, Liu M-Z* (2022). A descending pathway emanating from the periaqueductal gray mediates the development of cough-like hypersensitivity, iScience, 25(1): 103641. (* Corresponding authors).